I have a confession to make.. and hopefully my accounts teacher do not discover this site before he mark my MYOB test paper.
Okay... Its not like I want to cheat... But anyhow the last few minutes, okay... not last few minutes, but last half and hour of the MYOB test (for those who do not know what MYOB is, it is actually called the "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" accounting program), I was looking at friend's answers. Don't get me wrong, we were SHARING our answers. Anyways... I have no idea what is with me these days... I am very forgetful or unlucky. Today I forgot to bring my student ID and my friends actually helped me to get in with HER ID. OK, so back to my Accounts Topic! Again, I forgot something... not my student ID, but to top up my printing $$. I had to print out on that day to pass up my exam and guess what... when I sent my folder to my friend for her to print. Everything just went BYE BYE. T.T Seriously... I was just too shock for words at that moment. I did not even know if I should cry or scream or laugh! I just was just stunted! (GOD SAVE ME!) Then, a miracle happened (okay, exaggerating), Diane suggested to change her copy to my name but eventually, her copy went BYE BYE too.. so in the end, zhuxiao, changed her copy of work, to my name for my sake! (feel so touched) Like which kind of friends would actually do that? I am really thankful that I have friends like these in college rather than those snobbish, arrogant people that most people think teens would be or mix with when they are in college. I thank God for my friends! Seriously... I feel bad actually cos its like I am using them. Awfully guilty about using zhuxiao's copy as mine too. But if I did not accept her offer, My marks would be gone! Ish.. Help... I feel really guilty! Guilty cos of that test paper, Guilty cos its like I'm using my friends, Guilty cos I DUNNO! I FEEL GUILTY! I HAVE To blog it out! T.T
Btw, I would like to thank my friends (Zhuxiao, Diane, Qian Ying)again... seriously.. THEY helped me alot! THANK YOU!
♥ Written by Me : The blind knows More
Monday, June 22, 2009 -{'6:50 PM
If you were to close you eyes, You could see a better sight. The eyes, Can tell of nothing but lies. Those who are not of beauty at sight, Are those who fall and hidden away from light.
Those who are unlike others, Are outcast not of sisters or brothers. The eyes that hides the love, Only see nothing but features. What is given from above, misused by no other but us. What the eyes see is what cause hurt. What the eyes see is nothing but dirt.
Only those who close their eyes, See the truth and the light. They see the beauty that is inside. They do not judge but know what's right. They know nothing of beauty but the heart that people hides. Love in their eyes are not hidden out of sight.
This poem is dedicated to all those people who are being judge by their looks. I have came across quite a lot of people that judge people of their standards and looks! I would have to say, what is wrong loving or being around people that are not of your standard? IS it wrong to love them as you love your friends and family? Why judge them? Why outcast them? When they are your friends, you are with them, but when they get closer you push them away? Why cant a pretty girl be with an ugly man? Why cant an ugly girl be with handsome boy? Is it wrong? Why do you have to whisper behind their back? Why say :" She/He is not up to your standard. " ? Why cant you just let them be? If everyone were to be like this, what is to become of those who are hideous? Do they not deserve to be loved like you and me? What is to become of those who are not as classy or brilliant? Cant they just be loved by those who are better? Must he/she be of your standard? IF not you would have to look down upon them and say... YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR Me? If so.. BUZZ OFF! Unless they are both bad at heart and bad at looks then... I would have to rest my case... but if no The world does not welcome people like you!
Today I have some news to share with you.. TO ALL MY FriENDS who I did not sent an e-mail to about what I found. Please read and be warned about it! My dear friends, I know some of my friends and relative wanted to go for this Gardasil vaccine but luckily My mum was just in time to receive an email telling the danger of it! SO please warned your love ones! I know there are many who is still unaware of this as investigations cannot prove that Gardasil killed many since those girls who died of it had no signs of anything wrong with their system! But how did they suspect its Gardasil? Because all those girls who died, were linked to only one thing... that is GARDASIL!
Friday, May 01, 2009
The Health Science Institute (HSI) has issued a public warning advising girls and women to avoid being vaccinated with the Cervical Cancer vaccine called Gardasil. According to Jenny Thompson at HSI, 11,916 adverse events after injection have already been reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) … and counting. Those adverse events include: Pain and swelling. Life-threatening muscle weakness. Blood clots in the heart and lungs.
The deaths of 32 innocent girls and young women. The health threats listed above have all been linked with Gardasil, the so-called "cervical cancer vaccine" says Thompson. Merck, the pharmaceutical giant that manufactures Gardasil is aggressively marketing the vaccine as a way for parents and young women to protect themselves from Cervical Cancer and thus saves lives.
HSI's Jenny Thompson has released a 7 minute video in which she exposes the deception put forth in the marketing of this vaccine and reveals some truly shocking information no one else is talking about. If you have daughters, granddaughters or friends who might be considering this vaccine, you must watch this video.
Please forward it to anyone you think would benefit from the vital information it contains. If you think you know the whole story on Gardasil, you'll be shocked by what you're about to see. Just click below to start watching the video. It's just a few minutes long…and those few minutes might just save a young girl's life.
I think my presentation is only OKAY... i didn't think I did well cos actually some of my grammar and pronunciation was out! *Note: Never RUN up and down the stairs a few second before the presentation* Why was I running? I was looking for Diane's Pen drive since my presentation slide is in there! Oh well, My friend said I did okay... so lets just hope its OKAY.. However, I am not disappointed with my presentation as I think I might be able to at least PASS through. I am actually disappointed as my audience mark that will be gone because I did not even understand WUI LIANG's SLIDE(My classmate that was presenting after me). Something about "FINANCIAL BUBBLE"... FINANCIAL BUBBLE?! HUH?! WHAT?!!!!! TOOOOOOT!!! I don't even know what is THAT! okay, so i thought, lets see his presentation and I might get a small idea about his topic... and ... WAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaa ...... I DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING EVEN AFTER THE SLIDE!!!!!!!! not only me.. my groupies too. We were just STUNTED! SPEECHLESS! We just stared at him with a question mark above our head. Each slide was filled with one picture and 3-5 words! During Q & A, my groupies as the audience was suppose to ask him questions and the only question I came out with was "CAN YOU PLEASE SUMMARIZE THE MEANING OF FINANCIAL BUBBLE?" -.-" LOL , Ya .. I know.. I seriously don't understand! and during the whole presentation of financial bubble, I was Scribbling on the paper. What was on the paper? basically scolding his presentation "HARD!!!""DON'T UNDERSTAND!""SHIT!!!" ... Zhuxiao, my groupie, saw the "SHIT" word and she even laughed during presentation. My other group member was so stunted that even at the beginning of the slide, he whispered : "WHAT THE FUCK?!" .. YEAH... what the fuck indeed.
♥ Written by Me : Happy B.day Xin Nee!
Thursday, June 18, 2009 -{'5:03 PM
TODAY IT's My classmate XIN NEE's B.day!! Weee! Happy B.day to you!!!
We celebrated her b.day in the cafetaria with the whole class and a big cake! ME and Xin NEe! Xin Nee cutting her cake...
Me and Zhu XIao
CLass of T1!!!! (everyone SS!) GUYS bullying WUI liang! LOLS!
♥ Written by Me : Doctor I am back! / MONKEY ALERT!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 -{'4:39 PM
Need to be virus free! seriuosly sick with the flu and annoying cough! Each morning I wake up, I am stuck with this terrible nose block and dry throat! Need TO GET RID of it! So... I went to vist an old Doctor from my past, Doctor Ee, a very nice gentle doctor. After examining me, as he jot down my symptom he looked at me and said "ELICIA, according to my records, the last time you were sick was when you were just 2 years old! Have you been so healthy all these years?" .. my reaction ----> >.<" I just smiled and said nothing.. (actually doctor, I went to another doctor for check ups all THOSE YEARS). Well, anywayz... I got antibiotics, cough and flu medicine to take and hopefully, I'll be well SOON! I hope Diane will be fine too since she is also sick.. :( God bless both of us!
-updated at 6:14pm-
Was doing my hand outs for ESL presentation when suddenly at the corner of my eye, I saw something black droped on my roof with a THUD. Curious, I got up, look out the window an guess what I saw... A BlACK MONKEY!!!!!
Ok, mind you, its not as if I have never in my life seen a monkey before.. its just that... Monkeys in my areas were captured and put into some ZOO YEARS and YEARS ago! (I guess their generation came back to their ancestor's home?) AT least DON't PEE AND POO ON MY ROOF! NOW I HAVE TO DO THE CLEANING! My dad said, he saw 2 monkeys this morning... this must be one of them.. *hopefully* I don't want to think of it as the 3rd monkey... and then the 4th... or 5th... Aaaaaaaaaah.... Don't dominate my area! Yes, I am being worried about having to go out of my house and a monkey moving/runing/jumping towards me! They are not TRAINED monkeys like those in ZOO you know! THEY ARE WILD MONKEYS! (oh yeah, forgot to mention, opposite my house, there are lots and lots of trees but it is not a jungle or forest.. ! SO Where did these monkeys come from? o.o)
♥ Written by Me : Still Sick But Life Goes On!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 -{'9:31 AM
Yipee!! My Sore Throat is GONE! but....... sadly here comes the bad flu and cough! Buhuuuu!!! WHY?! Darn it! Just when I thought things would be much better! I did not skip school though.. As MORAL teacher said... I'm doing this as an instrumental value! :P Going to class... for attendance!
Oh yeah~ Was in burger king with Zhuxiao, Qian Ying, Diane, Justin Kong and Justin Voon... These are some kinda "OH mY gosh!" pictures of both Justin trying to be like girls...
I just came home from college... Cos not feeling well, the moment I reached home, My world went for a whirl... and I can feel a rush of heat going up my brain... FEVER they call it.. T.T I missed my maths class... lucky that lesson is not that hard just yet... I feel bad skipping class.. but darn my soreand my fever.. Yesterday I could not even sleep.. Slept at 11pm woke up at 12am, 2am, 4am... Now My eyes are feeling so tired and painful! ARGh! WHY God is there these viruses?!
Going to bed now... *pretty please let me be well when I open my eyes!*
♥ Written by Me : DARN THE TRAIN SYSTEM!
Friday, June 12, 2009 -{'5:08 PM
My mood was perfectly good today.... until that darn train system that is always LATE!!!! not just a minute or two late.. but half an hour to one hours plus! Seriously, Malaysia's Train system SUX to the MAX! From the time of 1508 to 1515 to 1527 to 1547 to 1616 to 1621 to 1627! SEE HOW MANY TIMES THEY CHANGE the time?! Even the opposite train already passed by 5 times! I wanted to go home early ended up being stuck! Don't they have brains???? What if those people that are taking train has a very important appointment/function to attend to? Do they have pea brains or what?! Cant they have some back up plans if the train malfunction?! THINK FOR THE PEOPLE for pete's SAKE! AND THEY DARE SCOLD US for being pushy in a packed train when they are the one who caused the train to be THIS packed! ARGH!!!!!! I could see some families walking out of the train station to take the taxi instead! IF the taxi wasn't such a scary transportation to be in, I would have did the same thing! That family, they just walked off, without claiming back their money for the train fare... If I could, I would give a piece of my mind to that train system manager!" How can they be so inconsiderate?! DO you know what can be done in an hour?! Having the time wasted THERE is Bloody sickening! I'm Still Very pissed about it!
♥ Written by Me : LOVING IT CLASS
Thursday, June 11, 2009 -{'4:25 PM
Darn it! What is with the weather? So WARM! It's really like a free sauna! Its so hard to live without air-con now! I'm sweating like mad even after my nice cooling bath.. T.T
Today was an O-Kay day... I think I like IT class today.. hehe... although programming those sites really can make someone go nuts just remembering the codes, but the outcome of it is really cool... Take my blog as an example, whatever I learn... I put it in.. (well not all, but those that I think will help make my blog look nicer) hehehe... I made a site about QianYing's Wedding with "EHEM" (cant say the name... or she'll make sure I'm six feet under). I really like the site I made though...ROMANTIC PAGE.. haha... (Hope she's not reading this).
♥ Written by Me : Another day in College
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 -{'4:19 PM
What is the first thing that would come to mind when you hear "champaign bubble tea"?
For me, the first thought was those nice bubblyyummy , sweet bubble tea....
This is how it turn out to be...!!! BLUE COLOR?! and worst... it tasted like the
medicine we eat for fever! Remember the pinkish
medicine you use to eat when you were younger?
YEah! It tasted like that! Now you can imagine how
awful it tasted! Even Zhuxiao, Diane, Qian Ying
nearly puke when they tasted it!
And I? I had to drink it all since I payed for it!
Now, in Malaysia, how many lecturers can you find that would actually sit with their student and play PSP??? I've never and i mean NEVER seen... and this is my first!!!!
This is my LAN/Moral Studies Lecturer and my Class Rep, Geoffrey ... They are both "fighting" each other before class... or shall I say... it was already a little bit pass our lesson time! but we didn't really mind since LAN was not an important subject anyway.... Our class Rep however, made a deal with our lecturer, if our lecturer looses, he would have to let us go for the day... if he wins, he can continue with our usual lessons... but surprisingly.... my lecturer WON! He actually triumphed over the pro gamer! .....WHOA! what a lecturer! But comparing to our previous LAN/Malaysian Studies lecturer, this lecturer was much more fun! He is much more open minded and he really made the class PAY ATTENTION! This is the kind of lecturer I like..sadly, the subject he is teaching is not as important as the other subjects I'm taking ... :(
♥ Written by Me : Making Ground Rules!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 -{'10:12 PM
Rules For Elicia these few months:
(thats all... lols...)
Stresssss... how? T.T
spammers and rippers are welcome to leave.
enjoy ♥ :)
Name: Elicia Eng
Nickname: Elle
B.day: 12.18.1990
Star Sign:Sagittarius
I'm an angel, I'm a devil
I am sometimes in between
I'm as bad as it can get
And good as it can be
Sometimes I'm a million colours
Sometimes I'm black and white
I am all extremes
Try to figure me out you never can
There's so many things I am
I love Music! ♥ .
Wish List.
12.MP3 player (not using 3A batt)