evangeline.jx@gmail.com {♥}

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    September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; January 2009; March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; August 2009; September 2009; October 2009; November 2009; December 2009; January 2010; March 2010;

    ♥ Written by Me : Lets Hike Bukit Gasing,PJ!
    Monday, October 20, 2008 -{'5:30 PM
    Who would anyone thought Bukit Gasing is so hard and challenging?
    Bukit Gasing is known as one of the best place for hiking in Selangor. So, my parents and I took a drive up there and gave it a try, and the first thought that came into mind was, this might be just one of the easiest place to hike. The first few slopes are easy but as it gets higher and deeper, my oh my! you just have to stop and catch a breath! Many people seemed to be so hyper! They even ran! It must have taken them days to train themselves to run on this mountain. I nearly slipped once, because those steps are not man-made therefore everyone has to be careful not to slip and fall. Despite that, hiking there will help you loose some weight! Seriously, you might just be soaked in your own sweat! Too bad I can't get to hike there everyday, or I might just forget about working out at home and just hike there everyday and loose off those few pounds!

    Now, there is something that made my day happier when I climb this mountain and it can hardly be seen everyday but somehow it is happening only when you hike there! Everyone is extremely friendly! No matter who you are, where you are from, what colored skin you are, you will be greeted by at least 4-5 people with a sweet smile and a warm "good morning". It just gives you hope to know that there are still some nice people out there in this civilized world! :D

    I dare say that Bukit Gasing is listed as one of my favorite place to go hiking! So if you are in for some adventure and challenge, come down to PJ's Bukit Gasing and have a go!

    ♥ Written by Me : Creative AXN!
    Wednesday, October 15, 2008 -{'10:15 AM
    AXN's Too Sexy ad has really caught my attention for it's creativity and humor! I give this ad two thumbs up!

    This ad is made up from Las Vegas CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI NY, House, 24, Amazing Race Asia, Chuck !

    ♥ Written by Me : So totally right!
    -{'9:41 AM

    ♥ Written by Me : I want a pet bunny!! >.<
    Tuesday, October 14, 2008 -{'10:32 AM
    Yesterday night, me and charlie was looking for little pet bunnies for our own. We browsed through many sites and have set eyes on the world's cutest bunny! Netherlands Dwarf Bunny! They look like a small round ball and their ears are quite short. They are simply adorable! Anyone knows where to get these bunnies? I don't think Malaysia's pet shop is selling these breed of bunnies. But if you do know, tell me! I want 'em!

    I've got this video from youtube, after looking at this video, I just HAVE TO GET THOSE BREED OF BUNNIES!! aaahh.. going nuts about it!

    ♥ Written by Me : Have a healthier and smoother skin!
    -{'10:08 AM
    WHoaa... sorry I have been abandoning my blog lately.. been so Bizziieeee... :D
    Update! Update!
    I have painted my room YELLOW and it looks great! My room actually looks happy and bright!
    I love my room color now! By the way I have updated my wish list, so take a look!
    P.S, try to get me one on my b.day! .... Just joking =P

    Today I am going to share some beauty tips with you guys/girls. I have been testing and doing it lately and it works! Just have to give it some time.

    Ever wonder how to get rid of those pimples and scars on your face? I'll tell you the secret to get it gone in a matter of... lets say a week? if it works well on your skin, maybe even just days..!

    The ingredients you need is simple. Extra virgin olive oil/jojoba oil/almond oil (just pick one of those) and sugar( preferably coarse )
    You may ask why these oils? well, it's simple, they contain a high level of vitamin E which is good for your skin. All you have to do is, take these oils rub it on your face, give it a circular rub for about 2-3 minutes and then add some sugar and start scrubbing using the same circular motion. After that use a piece of clean cloth, soak it in warm water and wipe off all the sugar. Viola! Do this for a few days and you can see the results! You can even use it when you bath. (remember to use warm/hot water) Your skin will be healthier and smoother!However, if your skin is sensitive and should have any side effects, do not continue these process!

    If you want a healthier hair, you can use those oils and just massage it into your scalp. Soak your hair with these oils for an hour or two and wash it normally with shampoo.
    So, Why go to the store to buy expensive products when you can just make them from your own kitchen!

    spammers and rippers are welcome to leave.
    enjoy ♥ :)

    For all the Times I've cried,
    For all the Times I've died,
    My heart was broken deep inside,
    All those happiness was a lie...

    I made my prayer to the sky,
    That my worries would pass me by,
    But can you hear me? The one so high..
    Or are you leaving me with a sigh?

    I gave up and walked a side,
    You then bless me with your light,
    You said "Dear girl, Don't you cry"

    For I am with you day Or night..
    "Have faith my dear, have faith inside...
    "Call me and I'll be your guide.."

    "For I'm always with you, by your side..."

    © Copyright of Elicia Eng 2009

  • Blogger.

  • Name: Elicia Eng
    Nickname: Elle
    B.day: 12.18.1990
    Star Sign:Sagittarius

    I'm an angel, I'm a devil
    I am sometimes in between
    I'm as bad as it can get
    And good as it can be
    Sometimes I'm a million colours
    Sometimes I'm black and white
    I am all extremes
    Try to figure me out you never can
    There's so many things I am
  • I love Music! ♥ .
  • “Music speaks what cannot be expressed,

    soothes the mind and gives it rest,

    heals the heart and makes it whole,

    flows from heaven to the soul.”

  • Craps.

  • Wish List.
    2.NEW SHOEs
    12.MP3 player (not using 3A batt)